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Inventory Control Manager

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's what your memo could say:

There are serious problems with the inventory control procedures. This can have a negative impact on the store's relationship with our customers.

Customers who can't find the products that are advertised are less likely to come back. Meanwhile, some items are overstocked, creating an inefficient situation in the stockroom.

There are some things that can be done immediately. I recommend:

  • Purchasing a computerized point-of-sale system. Today's systems can produce extensive reports on sales and trends. This information would make it possible to plan merchandise shipments far in advance. It would also eliminate the need for all but a few of the time-consuming inventory checks the store now does.
  • Items in stock be rotated. That way, the store employees can help managers plan sales to reduce stock of certain items.

These are preliminary steps. They will not solve all problems. However, they can increase efficiency and customer satisfaction.

As the manager of inventory, you are one of the most important links in the business chain. You have to be able to keep those in the sales and supplies sides up to date and informed.

Lynn Davis, an inventory control manager, can't stress enough the importance of good communication. "Communication is very important. If somebody runs into a problem, we bring it to people's attention. You talk to the other people, solve things through discussion. That's where communication is very important. If you don't communicate, you'll bury yourself."