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Water Well Service Technician

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

You work at the water department. A woman calls to ask you about well water. This is how you answer her questions:

1.  Is there a demand for groundwater?

Yes. As the population increases, there will be a growing demand for well water.

2.  What is well interference?

Well interference is when a larger well lowers the water yield in neighboring wells.

3.  Can taking groundwater affect the surface stream? How could this harm the environment?

Taking groundwater lowers water levels in a surface stream. This can harm fish habitat and spawning areas.

Bob Lium, project manager of a water well contracting company, argues that water well technicians communicate with the public daily. In other words, good communication skills are simply part of the job. "They deal with customers every day, making house calls, and dealing with homeowners. Drillers have to communicate with offices about the day's proceedings."