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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making

Most photostylists work as freelancers. The old adage that time is money is especially true for them.

Of course, good photostylists are always willing to go above and beyond the expected to make a client happy. The question is, how far do you go?

You are near the end of a full week of work on a photo layout for a furniture company's new catalog. You have spent all week helping to prepare the company's inventory for photographing.

It's now Friday afternoon and you are looking forward to the weekend. The work has been fast-paced and rewarding. You know the catalog is going to look great. The company also seems very happy with your work. They raved about the sketches you did a couple weeks back.

But as the photographer clicks a few final frames on the last layout you styled, the company's director of catalogs comes over to talk with you. He says some of the layouts did not work as the company had hoped and wants you to do them over.

Because the catalog is going to be printed early next week, however, he needs the work completed by Monday morning. In other words, you would have to do it over the weekend.

You are so shocked you are speechless. You try to gather your wits and think of what to say. More importantly, what do you do?