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Purchasing Manager

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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You decide to call the manufacturer and ask for an explanation.

This is the real-life decision made by CPP Anton Paylo. He phoned the company who had sold him the lumber and asked for an explanation.

They had an answer ready -- they had been having some technical problems, the problem was now corrected and it wouldn't happen again. Paylo accepted their statement, but informed them that if it ever did happen again he would take his business elsewhere.

Paylo says this was a tough decision. On the one hand, he felt some loyalty to the firm he had been dealing with for years, but at the same time he was annoyed.

"The reason I didn't immediately take my business to the other company was that I didn't know if I might be jumping from the frying pan into the fire," he says. "I couldn't be certain that the other supplier could offer me a better product and I needed some replacement material immediately."