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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You proceed with Mr. X's project.

Sometimes being a publicist means making tough decisions and not being afraid to stand up and tell the client when you don't agree with the direction a project is headed -- especially if you feel the end results would disappoint the client and cost him time and money.

In this case, it could end up costing the client more money in the long run. Moreover, the client would eventually realize you knew beforehand that another direction should have been taken, but you didn't mention it to him.

Publicist Kim Bayne says she ran into a similar situation and decided to explain her concerns. "The client decided this little piece of advice was worth its weight in gold and decided to find another way to gain visibility."

In the end, Bayne knew the client's initial decision would end up costing him more money, and he still wouldn't be happy with the results.

"It could have been disastrous, because he could have easily gone to another PR firm and gotten the work done the way he wanted it. Instead, he realized that I had his best interests at heart."