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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You explain your concerns and try to make him see this campaign won't work.

This is the real-life decision Kim Bayne made. She says, "If I had decided to go ahead with the project exactly as he wanted, I would have hated myself professionally."

As Bayne points out, above all else, honesty is extremely important. For publicists, image is everything -- not only the for the client, but for themselves, too.

"As a PR practitioner, it's my job to be honest with both myself and the client," Bayne says. "Sure, I could have accepted the job as is, but it would have felt like I sold out."

Building relationships and networking with other professionals and the media is the backbone of publicity. As Bayne notes, "I have built up relationships with editors over the years. I don't want to damage my reputation by contacting them about something I don't care about. It would be hard to convince them I had a good story to tell, when I know I didn't."