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Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Decision Making -- Solution

You leave school, get a tutor and continue with your modeling assignments.

By leaving school, you have the freedom to have your own schedule. You continue your schooling, but with a tutor. You miss the social life of being with your friends, and at times it becomes lonely. However, you get to meet some new friends.

You have the opportunity to travel internationally. You get to see things that your friends have never seen before. You have to grow up a little faster. You are suddenly living the life of an adult -- you are responsible for yourself and your actions. You are getting paid more because you are working more, and the pay increases the better known you become.

You have saved enough money to change careers when your modeling career is finished. You will be able to afford to go to any post-secondary institution you choose. You manage to do all of your studying and write your exams, allowing you to graduate. This is all with the help of your tutor.